miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015

Decorating For The Christmas Season

As the Holidays approach, many people begin to turn their thoughts towards decorating their homes. If you have moved into a new home in the past year or if you are a newlywed you probably need to consider purchasing more decorations that will fit the style of your home.

Decorating your home stylishly and effectively can be a lot of work and can take a lot of time. The first step of decorating your home is cleaning it thoroughly.

During the year you may have remodeled your home either inside or out. As a result you may have to purchase new decorations that will fit better with the remodeled area.

If you are examining the outside of your home, consider lights, statues, and inflatable things. Be sure to coordinate all of your decorations and to not overdo it.

During this season you can deck the outside of your home out in lights, but it must be tactfully done if you want it to look good. Generally, it is a much better idea to keep it simple and to use decorations that all fit and work well together.

Be sure to take a step back and examine your work before your turn your attention to the inside of your home. The inside of your home may be a different matter, especially if you remodeled recently.

Some areas may need to have the year round decorations put away to make room for the Christmas decorations. You do not want to overdo it in one area or your decorations will simply look tacky.

In order to avoid overdoing it in a certain area or to run to the store for more decorations, it is important to plan how you will decorate your home. This will also ensure that you do not buy unnecessary decorations that do not fit in with the look you were hoping for in your home.

Start by walking around your home and writing down a plan for each room and then go outside and decide what needs to be done there. When you are done planning, it will be time to run to the store to purchase the things that you need.

You will also want to consider using things that you may already have in order to save money. One thing you can do to save money is to use the clippings that you cut off of your Christmas tree if you purchased a traditional, real Christmas tree.

Tie the clippings together to make a wreathe or garland. If there are not enough clippings to do this with them, put them in a vase with other holiday flowers.

When you are purchasing decorations it is important that you stick to a color theme that you should have previously chosen. The rooms of your home will flow together much better if you choose a uniform color scheme.

Some people prefer to decorate with blues and silvers, while others prefer reds and greens. Maybe you prefer a different color scheme all together.

Try to choose a color scheme that will match the furniture and wall colors that you have. A rainbow of colors can work, but it often does not look the best.

If you want to use several different color schemes, try to break them up by room. Decorate the living room in blue and silver, the family room in red and green, and the dining room in red and gold.

Your color scheme for a room does not have to only be two colors. You could make it three and have it work together beautifully.

For example, you may like the combination of green, red, and gold. Or you may prefer green, blue, and silver.

The choice is yours and you have to decide what will look the best and match your preferences. Another important part of the decorating is lights.

Lights are a necessary part of Christmas decorations. Whether you put up lights outside the home or inside the home, you will want to purchase ones that are energy efficient.

LED lights are generally the best because they take minimal energy to shine, but are bright and have a very long life span. Programmable LED lights are also a lot of fun.

These kinds of lights can be told when to turn on, when to turn off, when to change colors, when to flash, and so forth.

Tom Selwick has worked as a general contractor remodeling homes for 27 years and has written hundreds of articles about roofing, awnings, siding, and Roofing Salt Lake City.

Contact Info:

Tom Selwick

Tom Selwick09@gmail.com


The post Decorating For The Christmas Season appeared first on Inspired Spaces Designs.

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