jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

Signs of Depression – What to Look For Exactly

Whether you are someone who has been really questioning their moods or feelings lately or whether you are concerned about someone who is near and dear to you, you may find that you are in a place where you need to learn about the signs of depression. While keeping in mind the fact that there is some variation in the signs of depression across the board, there are a few that are quite common. If you find that you or someone that you care about is evidencing these signs, action should be taken immediately.

Feelings of Helplessness

One of the most important signs of depression is a feeling of hopelessness or helplessness. You may feel as though nothing that you do really matters and that you are at a loss when it comes to helping yourself or to helping others. If this feeling is prevalent, it is a good sign that there is something wrong.

No Longer Interested in Previous Activities

In some cases, people outgrow the activities that they used to like, but if you have noticed that you no longer get excited about things that you used to love to do, it is time to start looking at depression and what might might be going on in your life. Think back to the last time that you really enjoyed one of your hobbies or the last time that you did something that felt very satisfying.

Loss of Concentration

Think back over the past week or so. Have you found yourself unable to concentrate on anything? Do you have to ask your friends or your coworkers to repeat things that you thought you were listening to? A lack of concentration can be very telling of the fact that something is wrong.

Appetite Change

Have you noticed that you are eating substantially more or substantially less? One rule of thumb might be to look at whether you have experienced a fluctuation of more or less than 5% of your total weight in a month. Disordered eating, that is, eating that is not healthy for you or that is strange to the way that you usually do things, can be a sign that something is wrong.

Self Loathing

Do you often find that you are involved in mentally beating yourself up on a regular basis? Do you ever find yourself having thoughts about how awful you are, or that tell you that you are a burden on the ones around you? Self loathing can be an insidious issue that can really get inside you and twist things up, but it is another one of the more important signs of depression.

Loss of Energy

Whether you were once a person who zipped around and got a lot done from day to day, or you were simply taking things at a more slow and even pace, you will find that one of the more noticeable signs of depression is a lack of energy. You might feel constantly fatigued or tired, no matter how much you slept, and in many cases, you may simply end up sleeping much more than you need to.

The first utmost important thing to do is to find everything you need to know on depression and how to cure it. Don’t wait a second longer to access complete info and resources on How To Cure Signs Of Depression Fast and Permanently which can be found at http://ift.tt/1I7ehjg now!

The post Signs of Depression – What to Look For Exactly appeared first on Stress Anxiety Guide.

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